APIを介して、dacadoo のヘルススコア機能をお客様のデジタルヘルス エンゲージメント プラットフォームの一部として統合する、もしくはスタンドアロン機能として利用できます。
Know Your Inside Story using the One Health Score Bangalore, Karnataka/Zurich, Switzerland, 27 August 2024 – Narayana One Health introduces the One Health Score (OHS), a tool using dacadoo’ s...
dacadoo の中核において、意義ある影響を与えるというコミットメントがあります。チームの一員となって、より健康で幸せな世界に貢献する機会を持ちませんか。
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Consumers are increasingly accustomed to online systems that give them instant access to all types of personal information records. In healthcare, patients have grown to appreciate on-demand access to their records from providers, as well as making use of tracking apps and devices that collect data about lifestyle choices, like diet and exercise. This market […]
With changing customer needs and an increased focus on consumer health, insurers must not only keep up with trends but get ahead of them. For example, during the pandemic, the industry saw more digital health innovations and a greater need for insurers that pay attention to individual customer needs. Today, customers prefer value-driven plans that […]
Uncertainty is inherent to the life and health insurance industries. Life and health insurers are ready for a new generation of technology that can help their customers better quantify their health behaviors and optimize their lifestyles — thereby reducing insurers’ uncertainty when calculating risks, morbidity, and mortality. For years, dacadoo has been innovating and using […]